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Emerald Magic

Our calming Emerald Facial Oil is named after the crystal for its soothing abilities and gorgeous green glow. Metaphysically associated with passion, compassion, and vitality, emeralds are powerful energetic medicine, and we are endlessly inspired by their magic.

Thought to amplify passion, increase vitality and strengthen commitments, emeralds help the body, mind, and soul to connect to the heart’s mission. Linked with dedication and love, they sweeten friendships and brighten romances. They lend power to self-care practices while fanning the flames of important creative projects.

These emotionally resilient stones are thought to shield the heart from envy while acting as compassion-amplifiers. As strengtheners of the heart in general, emeralds are aphrodisiacs. They aid in self-soothing and meditation. In essence, these glittering crystals are steadying to the soul, helping to thwart drama and restore harmony within and without.

Wearing emerald jewelry and keeping these crystals in your medicine cabinet, vanity table or tea cupboard will fuel your inspiration to live passionately and healthfully. Thought to shine most brightly when their wearer is pure of heart, emeralds can change to a murkier hue if the wearer is out of integrity. Try using their magical “changing” colors to live closely in line with your heart’s desire.

Protect yourself while journeying, either physically or spiritually, with the help of emeralds.

They’ll aid in clarity and vision (physically, psychically and creatively), mystically drawing out your innermost truths. They liberate the mind and light up the intuition by amplifying clairvoyant power and strengthening the memory.

Memories preserved by emeralds include those from this lifetime and perhaps even those from previous or ancestral lives. In this way, emeralds can be used to aid in time management, planning, and other practical matters while also coming in handy with ancestral healing and spiritual attunement.

Whether you’re preserving relationship bonds, committing to passionate living or activating your emotional and spiritual strengths, emeralds are gifts from the earth well worth exploring for the sake of your mind, body, and soul.

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