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Hot Ingredient: Blue Tansy

Hot Ingredient: Blue Tansy

Hot Ingredient: Blue Tansy

Hot Ingredient: Blue Tansy

What exactly is Blue Tansy? Blue Tansy is a botanical essential oil with a fresh and herbal scent. It gets a deep blue color from a component it contains called Azulene, and is extracted from the ...

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3 products to use in the morning

You just stepped out of the shower. Coffee is brewing, sunshine is peaking through the window... What's next in your morning routine? Here's what we suggest: STEP ONE: Body oil! The perfect...

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How to: Oil Cleanse

Oil cleansing is a very of-the-moment skincare trend right now.What is it and why should you try it? Cleansing with oil gives your skin more moisture, something especially needed now that the wea...

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Why Facial Oil?

We get this question a lot: Why oil? Wouldn't that clog my pores or make my skin way too oily? Let’s talk about it! Oftentimes after using strong facial cleansers or products with harsh chemica...

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